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Your Bacon Gets an "F": Are You Truly What You Eat?


By Julian F.

- Aug 9, 2024

Are you tooth-and-nail carnivorous, going 'bacon or bust'? Ever relished the taste of cold-cuts, specifically bologna or salami? Well, dear reader, you should know there's a potentially bitter aftertaste. Bad news first: a substantial body of research has found that high intake of processed red meat might promise higher chances of cognitive impairment. Sausage enthusiasts who savor two servings every week or bingers of bacon can see a 14% surge in their probability of developing dementia compared to red meat minimalists.

Not wishing to steer you into worryland, brave study author, Yuhan Li, marked the generous silver lining - "Swap your meat preservation infatuation with a handful of nuts or beans instead, and you cut down your dementia-on-a-platter risk by 20%".

Now isn't that a bargain you can live healthier with? Your go-to replacements - beans, nuts, tofu, even peanut butter - supply the same amount of protein while oiling your system with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated plant oils.

The plot thickens with revelation of more processed meat villains: sodium, nitrates, and saturated fats, contributing to conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, which, spoiler alert, have been linked with a higher dementia risk.

The beacon of sense in this grim scenario comes from Dr. Joel Salinas, deflating anxiety balloons by advising processed red meat exiles to seek refuge in the wide world of nuts, tofu, and beans. These treasure troves are packed with antioxidants, healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and plant-based proteins.

Bitter pill alert: Scientists discovered, in an 'over-the making-43-years' study, that high processed red meat consumption accelerates brain age. Yes, you heard it right, your brain is Willie-Wonka-ing into an older version of itself with each meaty bite.

But every cloud has a silver lining. Swapping that daily serving of processed red meat with nuts and legumes can award you with 1.37 fewer years of cognitive decline.

Conclusively, you are what you eat! Embrace the mighty legumes, go nutty, dive into tofu, and let your beans bead out a shield against diseases. Here's to a healthier, dementia-distant life soaked in sarcasm, wit, and peanut butter!
