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Why You're Failing at Weight Loss: 25 Expert-Backed, BS-Free Tips


By Owen M.

- Apr 25, 2024

Are you tired of questionable weight loss advice like drinking celery juice daily or living off “weight loss cookies?” brings you an antidote – real, research-backed tips from professionals who know their kale from their quinoa. Let nutritionists, registered dietitians, personal trainers, and more serve you a piece of their minds. Get ready for 25 real, solid, and crap-free advices that will help you lose the fluff and hold the fort at a healthy weight.

  1. "Chew With A Vengeance": Clinical social worker Janet Zinn suggests you chew like there’s no tomorrow - slowly, deliberately, and with full taste relishing intent.

  2. "Health Food Isn’t A Punishment": Janet also advises loving your greens and other health foods instead of gagging over them.

  3. "Gratitude Ain’t Fattening": Lauren Manganiello encourages a daily gratitude journal or anything that relieves stress rather than stuffing our faces with comfort food.

  4. "Be A Control Freak": Boston personal trainer Kyra Williams suggests regular batch cooking for the control freaks in us.

  5. "Weights Don't Weigh You Down": Lifting a dumbbell won’t dump you down, it might even help you lose weight, says Kyra.

  6. "Shut-Eye Shuts Weight": Shortchanging on sleep = added calories, says dietitian-nutritionist Angela Lemond.

  7. "Hungry Doesn’t Mean Skinny": Skipping meals to lose weight only backfires, Angela warns.

  8. "The Water Trick": Megan Casper suggests drinking water before meals; it tricks your body into eating less.

  9. "Cut Calories, Not Joy": Megan strikingly advises minimizing calories without sacrificing flavor.

  10. "Re-Plate Your Eating Habits": Lainey Younkin recommends a plate reorganization – More veggies, fewer grains.

  11. "Slow and Steady, Not Fast and Furious": As Esther Avant advises, take baby steps in your exercise regime, speeding up gradually.

  12. "The Big Rocks of Weight Loss": Esther advises focusing on the major aspects like the right nutrition and proper exercise to really make a dent.

  13. "The Scale Isn’t The Boss of You": She also warned against sole dependence on a weighing scale, advocating regular photos and measurements for better results.

  14. "Protein for Breakfast? Yes, Please!": Lainey backs a protein-rich breakfast to curb hunger and cravings.

  15. "Proteinize Your Meals": Nutrition consultant Christine M. Palumbo also supports protein layers in every meal.

  16. "Unprocessed Over Processed": Christine urges you to prefer barely-touched-by-humans foods over industrially tweaked ones.

  17. "High Glycemic – No Thanks!": Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes advises reducing high-Glycemic foods that cause rapid blood sugar hikes.

  18. "Fruit For Dessert? Bring It On!": Fruits for desserts can be a healthy and tasty alternative, suggests Sue-Ellen.

  19. "Early Birds Eat The Worms": She also hints at consuming more calories earlier in the day than later.

  20. "Meal Planning – A Winner Formula": Jessica Levinson vouches for meal planning as a potent tool to stay healthy and weight-savvy.

  21. "Grocery Lists Aren’t For Grannies": Jessica suggests making a grocery list – and sticking to it!

  22. "Peek Into Your Pantry": Ensuring a pantry stocked with the right food options is essential, says Jessica.

  23. "Cooking Tools Can Cook Your Weight Down": The right kitchen tools can aid healthier cooking, Jessica believes.

  24. "Labels Don’t Lie (Most Of The Time)": Bonnie Taub-Dix urges a habit of reading food labels to know what you're really ingesting.

  25. "Savvy Snacking": Bonnie suggests choosing snacks that are rich in nutrients and can help fill the nutritional gaps.

In conclusion, there’s no one-glove-fits-all in weight loss strategies. It’s about combining effective habits to maintain a healthy weight. Remember, tiny alterations can cause chain reactions of improvement. Trial and error to figure out what suits you are part of the game. Coupled with dietary changes and meal planning, understanding why you need change, handling setbacks gracefully, and seeking support from loved ones can lead to effective weight management.
