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Unmasking the Mighty Avocado: 8 Health Benefits You Should Know


By Clara T.

- Dec 19, 2023

Dismissed by some may as a mere millennial fad food, avocados have, in fact, earned their popularity due to their rich nutrient profile and versatility in the culinary world. Unlike many other fruits that boast high sugar content, avocados, as celebrity dietitian Kim Shapira explains, are jam-packed with beneficial nutrients such as healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which the body requires to function optimally. The green, creamy fruit is adaptable to any meal of the day, working equally well spread on toast for breakfast, mixed into a satisfying guacamole dip, or utilized as a rich topping for a salmon and grain bowl for dinner. Its mild flavor helps to heighten other food flavors, and a gentle sprinkle of salt can further enhance its taste.

In the realm of plant-based food, avocados stand out due to their blend of healthy fats, fiber, and potassium, and are associated with several health benefits. Here are eight key benefits this fruit offers to boost your wellness.

  1. Avocados may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The monounsaturated fats and fiber in avocados can potentially enhance insulin sensitivity, which assists in regulating blood sugar levels. Research demonstrates that these nutrients can also diminish inflammation, a condition often linked with insulin resistance.

  2. Avocados can contribute to heart health as their unsaturated fats can aid in maintaining normal cholesterol levels, one of the risk factors related to heart troubles such as heart attacks.

  3. Avocado eaters might live a more active lifestyle. In particular, Latinx and Hispanic populations who consume avocados frequently were found to have increased levels of physical activity.

  4. Avocados promote gut health by encouraging a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

  5. Avocado consumption could facilitate weight loss due to their fiber content which keeps you satisfied for longer, thereby curtailing overall food intake.

  6. Avocados may possibly boost brain health as they are rich in nutrients associated with improved cognition and mood enhancement.

  7. Avocados could provide a glow to your skin as they contain healthy fats and antioxidants linked to skin health.

  8. The antioxidants present in avocados, including the carotenoid lutein, are beneficial for preserving eye health.
