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Unmasking Antinutrients: The Double Life of Your Leafy Greens


By Owen M.

- Aug 16, 2024

You may think you've got this "healthy eating" thing down to a T. But what if we told you your beloved plants are harboring secret agents called Antinutrients? Their mission- to disrupt your body's nutritional absorption. Sounds like the plot of a cheap action flick, right? But there's every need to understand this bio-espionage at play in your leafy greens.

Antinutrients are compounds found in plant-based food that impede the absorption and usefulness of nutrients in our bodies. They’re the plants' way of warding off infections and pesky insects. Bravo for the plants but not so great for our bellies.

These clandestine agents include compounds such as Phytates, Lectins, and Phytoestrogens. Phytates are infamous for taking down the likes of calcium, iron, and zinc. Lectins have somewhat of a reputation for messing around with our gut function. Phytoestrogens, on the other hand, dip their toes in hormone disruption. And let’s not even begin with high calcium oxalates which might pop up calcium kidney stones like unwanted pimples.

But before you launch your plant-bulldozing campaign, remember that plant foods have long been associated with better health and a decreased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer among others. So, ditch the panic and absorb the knowledge like a sponge.

The truth is, the negative effects of Antinutrients are for the most part curbed with proper processing and cooking. Because yes, you can still have your plant-lovers cake and eat it too. Let's say your plant of choice is a grain, seed, nut, fruit, or vegetable. To extract the full health benefit, chuck it into the pan for a nice stir-fry, or go all culinary genius and ferment the hell out of it. The goal is to reduce the stronghold of these Antinutrients, making your plant-powered meals as beneficial as they can be.

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advises consuming a diverse range of nutrient-packed foods. It's all about mixing things up to get the best out of your meals while reducing the Antinutrient commando unit squatting in your food.

If your anxiety level still sits at a high after this reveal, it makes sense to seek professional advice. Reach out to a registered dietitian nutritionist or a healthcare professional, who can guide you through the dark maze of antinutrients and methods to harness their positives while suppressing the negatives.

Remember - Antinutrients are hush-hush hideouts in the flourishing green universe of your plate. But with the right approach and cooking methods, you can unveil their disguises, disarm them, and keep your nutritional intake on point.

The choice is clear - stay vigilant, stay informed, or you might as well be kale-ing your health benefits.
