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Turning Over a New Leaf: The Vegetarian Keto Diet Explained


By Gavin Hayes

- Oct 5, 2024

The vegetarian ketogenic diet combines aspects of both the vegetarian and ketogenic diets into one well-rounded meal plan. Adopted for its potential health benefits like managing blood sugar and fostering weight loss, this diet takes no-meat, seafood, or poultry policy of vegetarians and meshes it with the high fat and low carb demands of the keto realm. It's like making one eat veggies while on a fat-protein spree - tricky, yet possible. So alright, let's unpack this.

Just to set the stage, the main heroes in this story are, obviously, the vegetarian and the keto diets. A vegetarian diet, on one tip of the scale, excludes all animal meats, be they beef, poultry, seafood, or wild game. It differs from a vegan diet which additionally axes all animal-derived stuff, like your cheese, eggs, yogurt, etc.

On the other tip, you've got the keto diet spinning its low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein magic web. Initially designed as a knight in shining armor for folks battling epilepsy, it's now sprawled all over weight loss and other health frontiers. If you're going all keto, your carb intake has to be belted down below 50 grams per day. In return, you'd activate some sort of "fat burning mode" (ketosis), which your body uses to doll out energy.

Comparatively, the "standard" American diet dishes out around 30% fat, 55% carbs, and 15% protein. But when the vegetable-loving spirit meets the keto devil, you get 75% fat, just 5% carbs, and 20% protein. Fancy, right? Well, that aims to kickstart ketosis while keeping meat at bay.

Anyone gunning for this hybrid diet will really need to grind down on meal planning and watch their macronutrients like a hawk, especially carb count. Luckily, apps for keto tracking and meal planning are here to save the day, and some folks may even conscript a dietitian to avoid walking blind.

As you fight your battles in the kitchen, always check your body for any traces of ketones. Plant-based foods that are lean on carbs and chock full of fat, fiber, or protein will become your new best friends in this diet adventure.

On the surface, vegetarian diets and keto diets both throw punches that could control blood sugar, spur weight loss, and fend off various chronic diseases. But, and this is a major but, further research needs to be done to cement these promising benefits of the vegetarian keto diet in the fields of science. Nevertheless, while you tap-dance on the line between the green and the lean, be prepared for the keto flu, a flurry of symptoms that accompany one's first steps into the keto world.

Indeed, the vegetarian keto diet sounds like walking a tightrope between fat-burning and leaf munching. But with the right guidance, such as a registered dietitian, this path can become less daunting. Remember, with the right balance and a dusting of humor, you'd be surprised at how well kale and keto can dance together.
