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The Unexpected Superhero: How a Mediterranean Diet Could Battle COVID-19


By Gavin Hayes

- Aug 28, 2024

Imagine being able to fight off COVID-19 with the divine power of hummus. A recent study published in the journal PLoS One suggests that indulging in a Mediterranean-style diet-loaded with magnificent fruits, vegetables, whole grains, satisfying healthy fats, and mouth-watering lean protein like chicken and fish-might just be the unexpected superhero in reducing your risk of catching COVID-19.[1] The researchers compiled data from six studies, involving over 55,000 participants, who detailed their eating habits to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Apparently, embracing your inner Greek god or goddess and staying true to such dietary habits could reduce your chances of getting infected by 5 to 25 percent compared to those who consumed least Mediterranean diet-like meals.

A fascinating dive into four of the studies showed intriguing correlations between symptoms of COVID-19 and diet. Surprisingly, a Mediterranean diet was shown to reduce the risk of several COVID-related symptoms-68 percent lower chances of breathing difficulties, a 91 percent reduction in cough and fever risk, a 92 percent lower risk of sore throat, and a staggering 94 percent lower likelihood of chills, nausea, or vomiting.

Likewise, three other studies hinted at a connection between conformity to a Mediterranean diet and a lower risk of severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization. The benefits were observed as a risk reduction between 11 and 78 percent. However, only one study could boast statistically significant results.

Investigating the larger picture, these studies do come with a grain of salt, given that the claims depend on self-reported dietary habits and COVID infection history. Despite these limitations, it may be worth mulling over how Mediterranean diet can protect against COVID-19-not only because it aligns with existing scientific evidence, but it's already proven itself as a ridiculously healthy dietary lifestyle.

According to the lead researcher Andre Marolop Pangihutan Siahaan, MD, PhD, it's a wise choice, "Adopting a Mediterranean diet to help reduce the COVID risk is not a bad idea… besides, the Mediterranean diet is also beneficial for several noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease and stroke."

Loaded with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting elements, the diet's emphasis on plant-based content might be its secret weapon. An earlier meta-analysis showcasing data from seven studies revealed plant-based diets could cut down the risk of COVID-19 infections by around 34 percent and lessen the odds of hospitalization by a significant 62 percent.

"Packed with the power of plant proteins and the charm of olive oil, Mediterranean diets could help stave off not just COVID-19 infections but even hospitalizations caused due to it," notes Christos Mantzoros, MD, DSc, PhD, a professor at Harvard Medical School, reminding us that you don’t need to don a cape to unmask the potential superhero in your daily meals.
