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The Keto Diet: A Badass Breakdown


By Sophie B.

- Jun 28, 2024

We may have split the atom, penetrated the stratosphere, and created avocado toast, but we're still arguing about what we should be eating. Case in point: the Keto diet. This controversial carbohydrate-slaughtering diet forces your body into a state called ketosis, a metabolic switcheroo where the body, in an act of desperation or ingenuity (or both), starts burning fats for fuel instead of carbs. Cue mad jumps of joy from the anti-sugar squad and collective gasps among bread worshippers.

The transition to ketosis isn't exactly a tea party. To put it mildly, it's like packing your liver for a grueling ultra-marathon. And the initiation phase has a killer nickname - "keto flu". Imagined yourself a trim, tanned, and toned Greek deity? Try sweaty, seized up, and snappy. The body, not thrilled by this coup d'etat, stages a revolt. Think fatigue, nausea, headaches - not exactly the glowing health report you’d envisioned.

However, against this horrid backdrop, the keto diet has collected a veritable fan club. Adherents swear by its weight-loss effects, improved blood sugar control, and mental clarity. It's even acknowledged for its starring role in managing epilepsy. But there's a dark side. Despite its health halo, the keto diet could potentially crank up 'bad' cholesterol levels and nutrient deficiencies.

Like a Hollywood starlet, the keto diet comes with baggage. It's not a one-size-fits-all deal. While the diet might work wonders for some, others might end up feeling like they’ve been hit by a truck. If you're considering striding headlong into the world of ketosis, just remember - balance is key. And above all, add a healthy dose of skepticism to your Keto smoothie!
