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Ten Veggie-loaded Breakfasts That Will Make Even Carnivores Happy


By Owen M.

- Aug 14, 2024

There's really only one golden rule when it comes to nutrition everyone agrees on - eat more vegetables damn it. Embrace the green. Your body requires it, your immune system craves it, and, for Pete’s sake, your mortal life may hinge on it. This isn't just some nonsense we cooked up, oh no. This precious advice, offered free of charge, has roots - deep in your mother’s favourite health column and grandfather’s blood pressure readings. Vegetables aren’t just rabbit food; they’re a hardcore, nutrient-packed, disease-fighting force, and frankly, you're not getting enough of them.

Ninety percent of you, saintly American folks, don't even reach your quota of 2½ to 3½ cups of daily veggies. Shameful right? Yeah, we said it. So, you want a healthier life but alas, breakfast potatoes don't count as a vegetable. What are you left with? A breakfast salad? Not gonna happen, right? Here's the good news. There are far more exciting ways to get that am green fix than you initially thought.

Hit the snooze button on that bland bowl of cereal and side-eye the breakfast sausage, because we're about to unveil the ten most original, finger-licking, veggie-loaded breakfast recipes that will make you ditch processed carbs without a second thought. From beginners to veggie veterans, there's something for everyone. Buckle up, it's going to be a gastronomical ride.
