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Love Your Liver: Diet Tips to Dodge Diseases


By Sophie B.

- Apr 21, 2024

Today, we bring the conversation to your liver, one of the unsung heroes in your body that's often left in the shadows when nutrition talks are held. Let's correct that bias. When it comes to battling liver disease, food can be your primary warrior and your plate, your battleground. The good tidings? There's a buffet of food habits out there that can keep your liver singing praises.

From the sun-kissed Mediterranean-style regimen, the heart-friendly DASH diet, to the green goodness of plant-based diets, each one has something for your liver. These diets revolve around the basic goodness of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean protein that can potentially combat liver conditions.

"A well-rounded diet can be a game-changer for people with metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)," says Patricia Araujo, a diet guru from Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. This disease, which follows an awry buildup of fat in the liver, wreaks inflammation and tissue damage which could advance to scarring (fibrosis) or a hardcore liver condition known as cirrhosis. People who are overweight or obese can particularly find themselves grappling with MASLD, but with thoughtful food decisions, there's hope of halting or even healing the disease.

Embrace nutrient-packed food, Araujo advises. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, lean protein, and whole grains can dominate your plate. Antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats packed in such food can fight inflammation, promote a healthy weight, and protect against conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Mediterranean Diet against MASLD? According to Araujo, the Mediterranean diet is a crowd favorite among MASLD patients. Characterized by high dietary fiber and healthy fats, this diet reduces liver fat and boosts overall health. A study showed that liver damage was less severe in individuals who stuck to a Mediterranean-style diet.

What about the DASH Diet? This is another good candidate for liver disease patients. Like the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet promotes whole foods and restricts processed ones, unhealthy fats, and sugars. A study found that people on a DASH diet manifested reduced liver fat and fibrosis compared to those who simply ate healthy without following any specific diet.

A plant-based diet can also safeguard your liver. Araujo points to legumes, nuts, and seeds as great protein sources. Remember, it's about a conscious meal design to incorporate vegetables and a protein source with every meal.

Your drink choices matter too. Alcohol is a nay while coffee can actually be a yay! Coffee has been vouched for in some studies as a potential liver protector. Just leave out excessive sugar and fake creamers. Sodas and sugary drinks could be a surefire ticket to fatty liver and weight gain.

Planning your diet carefully isn’t just calorie counting. It means picking nutrient-rich whole foods and ensuring you include vegetables and a protein source in most meals. "Stick to structured eating and mindful portions to maintain optimal liver health," says Schwimmer. And finally, kick the snacking habit and opt for full-fledged meals.
The takeaway? Your liver is a die-hard worker and it deserves a diet that rivals its effort. By choosing the right foods, you allow your liver to function at its top capacities while boosting your overall health.
