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Fiber: Your New Best Friend for Weight Loss, Mood Boosts, and Bad Cholesterol Beatdown


By Isabel P.

- Apr 8, 2024

Apparently, the majority of America partakes in an activity that only 5% of them are doing right-- eating enough fiber. Astoundingly, this power-packed nutrient, which is known for its flurry of benefits, is facing a disappearance from our plates, and in turn, from our bodies.

Your university nutrition professor might have given you an overview about it, indicating that the recommended daily intake is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Its sources? Anything from your morning orange juice to your late-night lentil soup can be a fibrous gold mine. Think fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, etc. In short, unless you’re subsisting on a steak-only diet, it’s around you!

One of the major reasons you should be befriending fiber is its property of easing through your body, or as we like to call it - the "smooth operator". It slows digestion and whispers sweet nothings into your stomach, making it feel whole and satisfied. By default, you eat less, and the urge to binge that bag of chips completely dwindles. Doesn't it sound like a dream way to lose weight?

Also, are you aware that high-fiber fruits and veggies are naturally low in calories? A study even showed that people noses-diving into a high fiber diet lost more weight compared to those who didn’t, even when restricting their calorie intake. If you've been on a quest for weight loss, fiber might just be your Holy Grail.

The magical properties of fiber extend beyond weight management. Fiber is like a peace-loving hippie; it doesn't dig fighting with your body's metabolism, so it doesn't enter the bloodstream and irritate your sugar levels. Additionally, it's picky about who it parties with and decides to bind with bad cholesterol, kicking it out from your body's club.

But wait, there's more! Evidently, high-fiber diets could literally brighten up your day and reduce depression rates. Imagine, a tablespoon of fiber acting more diligently than a motivational speaker!

Let’s get practical. If you’re trapped in the dilemma of cracking the code to activating fiber power in your daily meals, you might want to start at breakfast. Because gorging on breakfast regularly with at least 25 g of fiber is linked to longevity and overall well-being. And besides, who doesn’t like to kickstart the day on a high note?

In the coming sections, we have curated delicious, high-fiber recipes for people bored with the usual oatmeal and bran muffins. Get set to be gastronomically enlightened!
