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Core Blimey: The Underrated Muscles You Shouldn't Ignore


By Sophie B.

- Aug 22, 2024

You’re not alone if ‘core’ and ‘abs’ are interchangeable terms in your vocabulary. But it's time to earn your fitness stripes and acknowledge that your core isn’t just about washboard abs or belly fat that defies your best efforts. It’s an illustrious collective of unsung heroes, including your abs, erector spinae, diaphragm, and (the ever-exotic sounding), pelvic floor. Together, they keep you upright and sashaying through your day with ease.

Yet, for most folks, these muscle groups are the equivalent of a wallflower at a high school dance-ignored. Especially among the noble professionals of chair-warming and screen-staring (we feel you, office workers), core muscle strength is about as prominent as a vegan at a steakhouse.

Our mission? To turn you into a fit ninja who knows not only where these elusive core muscles lie but also how to engage them. Yes, not just during your monthly gym session when guilt gets the best of you and you chant 'No pain, no gain' under your breath, but also while you commute, sit, stand, and indulge in the thrilling adventures of daily life. Like lifting that grocery bag without throwing your back out-wild times.

So, let's dissect this mistaken identity crisis. Although your abs are a big shot in the core gang, they're not the whole deal. Your 'core repertoire' comprises various muscles: the Rectus Abdominis, External Abdominals, and Internal Obliques. Oh, and let's not forget our friends in the back, the Multifidi and Erector Spinae.

Why should you care? Because these muscle titans do more than make you look good in skinny jeans. They support your spine, reduce your back injury risk, and improve your movement mojo during daily tasks. Plus, they help keep other body parts, like your knees, from taking an unnecessary beating.

Now, before you throw yourself into abdominal crunches, let’s level up this core competency. Learn to activate your core using the glamorous 'abdominal drawing-in manoeuvre' (say hello to stomach vacuums!).

Of course, if you have a history of injury or other mobility complexities, please get professional guidance before sprinting headfirst into a core-strengthening routine. The same goes if you are postpartum or recently scalpel-dodged a surgeon. Don't be a hero, pal.

It's time to invite your core muscles to the daily hustle even when seated. Start easy with the abdominal drawing-in while sprawling in a chair and gradually level up with seated marches. Hey, who said sitting had to be a passive event? And, whilst going about your daily tasks, like yard work or climbing stairs, activate your core. It’s like turning your life into one big workout without breaking a sweat.

Still lost in translation? An exercise professional can guide your way. And remember, our beloved healthcare professionals are on hand if you experience pain attempting to strengthen your core or think it might be dictating terms to your arm or leg movements.

Your secret weapon to a fitter, healthier life lays in your core. So take a seat, but do it with style, engaging those magnificent muscles we too often neglect. Stronger core muscles reduce back pain, injury risk, and turbocharge your daily-dance routine.
